‘Nawiri Dada’ is Kiswahili word that means ‘Girls Arising’. This Project aims at supporting Adolescent Girls and Young Women who have undergone rape and got children as a result. Sexual violence is one of the worst forms of Gender Based Violence and is on the increase in Kenya. Sexual violence strips survivors of their dignity and self-worth with some left with lifelong disabilities or lose their lives while others even have children out of rape. The shame and stigma around sexual violence is real and runs deep with many suffering in silence. In the case where children are conceived and born as a result of rape, the psychological trauma on the woman doubles and the children act as constant reminders of the violence. ‘Nawiri Dada’ Project comes in to bridge this gap by providing psychological and socio-economic empowerment services for the adolescent young women survivors, their children and broader families.‘Nawiri Dada’ Project journeys with these adolescent girls and young women through the healing process to make peace with themselves and their children. Through psychosocial support groups, they are encouraged to break the silence and speak out as this will help them in accepting themselves, boost their confidence and self-esteem.

Children mothered by these adolescents and young women are also counselled and monitored as they are part of their mothers’ healing process. The young women are also taught skills like ornament making, mat and basket making, soap making and others that ensures they have stable incomes to sustain themselves and their families.